Author = Landysh Robertovna Faezova
Morphology and Philosophy Analysis of Love in A. Eniki's Literary Stories

Volume 11, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2020), Saint Petersburg, 13-14 June 2020, December 2020, Pages 90-97


Landysh Robertovna Faezova; Gulfiya Rasilevna Gainullina; Nurfiya Marsovna Yusupova; Aigul Raisovna Gilmutdinova

The Pattern of Muslim Clergy Repressions in Tatar Literature

Volume 11, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2020), Saint Petersburg, 13-14 June 2020, December 2020, Pages 406-411


Landysh Robertovna Faezova; Milyausha М. Khabutdinova; Gulfia Rasilevna Gaynyllina; Chulpan Аvraimovna Zaripova-Chetin