Author = Alfiya Shavketovna Yusupova
Examining the Representation of the Parent-Child Relationship in the English Vocabulary, by Presenting Proverbs

Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2023, Pages 272-276


Alfiya Shavketovna Yusupova; Gulnaz Rinatovna Mugtasimova; Bagaveeva Gulchachak Mansurovna; Firdaus G. Khisamitdinova

Ethno-Cultural Vocabulary in Bilingual Dictionaries by I. I. Giganov (In Comparison with Turkic Languages of South Siberia)

Volume 11, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2020), Saint Petersburg, 13-14 June 2020, December 2020, Pages 227-235


Alina Damirovna Hayrullina; Alfiya Shavketovna Yusupova; Guzel Amirovna Nabiullina; Nurila Gabbasovna Shaymerdinova