Author = Svetlana Sergeevna Bodnar
Examining the Prosody Features of Simultaneous Interpreters' English Speech in the Sample of Political Discourse

Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2023, Pages 426-431


Svetlana Sergeevna Bodnar; Galina Sergeevna Yatsenko; Diana Rustamovna Sabirova

The Linguistic and Prosodic Analyses of English Film Trailers

Volume 11, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2020), Saint Petersburg, 13-14 June 2020, December 2020, Pages 306-316


Svetlana Sergeevna Bodnar; Anna Viktorovna Zorina; Enzhe Kharisovna Shamsutdinova; Galina Sergeevna Yatsenko