Keywords = Word Formation
Examining Simplification and Abbreviation of Phrases as Computer Slang in English

Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2023, Pages 267-271


Gulyusa Kurbangalievna Ismagilova; Guzel Rishatovna Nasibullova; Vilena Rustemovna Gagarina

Rhyming Compounds as Elements of a Language Game (In Russian and English Languages)

Volume 10, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2019) July 19-20, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2019, Pages 275-282


Marina A. Droga; Natalia V. Yurchenko; Daria V. Korobkova; Dina I. Romero Intriago; Alexander N. Langner

Idiomaticity Semantics of Derived Words in Russian: Linguistic and Methodical Aspects

Volume 10, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2019) July 19-20, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2019, Pages 985-992


Anastasia Nikolaevna Nikolaeva; Venera Gabdulkhakovna Fatkhutdinova; Sergey Sergeevich Khromov