Keywords = Phytonym
English Nouns’ Valency in Terms of Phraseology

Volume 11, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2020), Saint Petersburg, 13-14 June 2020, December 2020, Pages 418-424


Irina Deeney (Kuprieva); Natalia Lazareva; Olesya Serkina; Yuliana Genkin (Filonova); Elena Zueva

Lexical-Semantic Analysis of English Phraseological Units with Phytonym Component

Volume 11, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2020), Saint Petersburg, 13-14 June 2020, December 2020, Pages 425-429


Irina Deeney (Kuprieva); Natalia Lazareva; Olesya Serkina; Olga Romashina; Yuliana Genkin (Filonova)