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Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics (RALs), published by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, and open-access international journal of applied linguistics. The journal, published biannually in print and electronic formats, provides a forum devoted to the study of language in use as an aspect of social life. RALs is dedicated to publishing manuscripts that explore the interplay between language and context in instructed or uninstructed second/foreign language learning contexts using a wide array of methodological strategies. Aiming to promote the culture of genuine inquiry and encourage original and quality publications, RALs seeks contributions that improve the theories of language use and provide implications and applications for individuals, practitioners, and discourse communities engaged in second language communication.

RALs welcomes original research with qualitative or quantitative orientations, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews. Biannually, one issue of RALs is published as a regular edition and another as a special issue that focuses on contemporary themes in applied linguistics. The Editor may invite a guest editor with particular expertise to help review the manuscripts for publication. In such cases, the publication decision rests with the guest editor.



Special edition: Language Teaching Feedback and Assessment Aided by Digital Technologies


Date of publication:



Special edition editors:

Jorge Arús-Hita (Complutense University [UCM], Spain)

Jesús García Laborda (Alcalá University [UAH], Spain)


Supervising editors:

Alireza Jalilifar and Amir Mashhadi (Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran)


The editors are delighted to announce a special edition of the Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics (indexed in JCR-ESCI and Scopus, among others). The general topic of this volume revolves around language teaching feedback and assessment, with a special focus on the role played by digital technologies and methodological innovations in the development of state-of-the-art models dedicated to those essential educational tasks. Recent times have seen a proliferation of online and blended L2 and LSP courses requiring feedback and assessment tools that can be integrated into such courses. This volume aims to be a valuable contribution in this sense and provide insights on the various ways in which technology can help enhance the effects of feedback and assessment in language teaching contexts and the affordances brought about by the technological enablement of these practices.

The special issue welcomes both high-quality theoretical papers and experimental full-research papers driven by data in any language. Contributors are encouraged to submit original proposals on relevant topics, taking the following guidelines and deadlines into serious consideration.


Proposal submission

We call for proposals on the theme of the special issue. Submitted proposals and the subsequent paper drafts will be subject to double blind peer-review. Final drafts need to be submitted via the Journal website according to the Guidelines for Authors. Special reference will be given to both quality and diversity in terms of topics, data, theoretical orientations, methodology, and contexts. 

Proposals should be submitted by email to the special issue editors, Jorge Arús-Hita ( and Jesús García Laborda (, in a Word file with the following information:

  • Title of proposed paper 
  • Name/s and affiliation/s of author/s 
  • Email of corresponding author 
  • Abstract of maximum 500 words should outline the following: the focus and aim of the proposed paper, its theoretical underpinning, nature of data to be engaged with, preliminary findings and how the proposed paper connects with the special edition theme 
  • Any references – maximum five 
  • Bio of author/s – maximum 75 words (each) 


Special issue timeline: 

It is highly important to meet the following deadlines, especially if the works in progress are to be considered for publication.

Deadline for article proposals: 30/11/2023 (to be sent to the Editors – see emails above) 

Decision on abstracts: 30/12/2023

Deadline for article drafts: 31/03/2024 (to be sent to the journal website registration and submission portal). In order to make sure your paper is included in the special edition, please use the following heading on your title page, and before your paper's main title:

"Contribution to Special edition of Research in Applied Linguistics 2024, dedicated to Language Teaching Feedback and Assessment”.

We remind authors to check the journal's instructions before submitting their draft article. Instructions for authors and a template for formatting of articles may be found on the journal website:

First round review feedback to authors: 31/05/2024

Deadline for revised articles: 30/06/2024

Feedback on revised articles: 15/08/2024

Final submission from authors: 15/09/2024

Publication: 01/10/2024


Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 1-150 

Publication Information


Editor-in-Chief Director-in-Charge Managing Editor
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