Translation of Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations (AIA) in Persian Political and Sport Journalistic Texts

Document Type : Research Article


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


The different writing systems of English and Persian makes translation of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations challenging. This study aimed at finding which strategies were applied most frequently in translating acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations from English to Persian especially in journalistic texts. The study was done based n Descriptive Translation Study of Toury and strategies proposed by Kuzmina et al (2015) for translation of abbreviation. To this sense, 50 cases in the translation of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations were extracted. They were compared with their translation to see which strategies were applied most. The result of the study revealed that the translators preferred to keep the same English letters in Persian so most cases were transcribed.
