Communication and Affective Variables Influencing Omani EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate

Document Type : Research Article


Faculty of Language Studies, Sohar University, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman


This study examined Omani EFL learners’ perceptions toward their willingness to communicate (WTC) in English. To this end, 204 students majoring in English language at a private university in Oman were assigned a questionnaire adapted from McCroskey’s (1992) WTC scale to determine possible effects of communication and affective variables on their WTC in English. After assessing the normality distribution of the data and the reliabilities of the scales, descriptive analyses were used to characterize the participants’ WTC. Also, repeated measures ANOVA analyses were conducted to measure the effect of different interlocutor types and the context type on the participants’ WTC. Overall, the results showed that the Omani students had fairly low WTC in English. Their WTC significantly varied based on the interlocutor types and the context types. It was also found that the participants had moderate motivation to learn EFL and positive attitudes toward English learning situations and the L1 community.


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