Analysis of Language Legislation of All 85 Russian Federation’s Subjects (Regions)

Document Type : Research Article


Federal Centre for Educational Legislation, Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


The analysis of the language legislation of all 85 subjects of the Russian Federation shows complete heterogeneity and diversity. Common legal guidelines in Federal law do not exist, because Federal legislation is obsolete and is largely whitespace and conflict. The subjects of the Russian Federation, on whose territory different ethnic groups, both large and indigenous, historically live, solve the problem of preservation and development of the languages of these peoples on their own. This activity leads to the fact that the unique languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, especially those that do not have a written language, are gradually disappearing and are in danger of complete disappearance. The absence of Federal full-fledged language legislation that would guarantee funding, the possibility of full-scale scientific research of languages, the creation of alphabets for rare non-written languages and a whole range of other measures of state support, leads to the fact that we in Russia today do not even know a clear number of languages of the peoples of Russia. Two now existing law at the Federal level is absolutely not govern the scope of the considered relations. The constitutional consolidation of the possibility of granting state status to the languages of the peoples of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation does not guarantee the preservation of these languages. On the contrary, this situation may lead to the fact that the Russian Federation will have 55 state languages, which will significantly complicate the state structure of our already complex country. In addition, the presence of many state languages is also a cause of ethnic tension. The research conducted by the author allows to formulate a number of conclusions and proposals, among which the main place is the need for a full-scale language reform in the Russian Federation.
