Demonstration of Multi Statutory of the Adjective “Just” in Modern Adjectival English Lexicon

Document Type : Research Article


Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia


This article concerns the general functional features of an adjective in modern English, and in particular multistate lexical item “just”, which carries different meanings in different variants of combinatorics. The authors analyze the combinations used with the adjectival lexeme item “just” and reveal the categories that determine the degree of semantic content of each given statement. The need for a detailed study of multistate is due to insufficient knowledge of the categorization features and the functioning of multistate lexical item “just” in English language which has the feature of eurysemy (polysemy) that defines its broad compatibility in syntagmatic aspect.


Volume 10, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2019) July 19-20, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia
This special issue of the journal includes papers published in the spirit of academic support of the conference and so they did not go through the review process defined by the journal.
July 2019
Pages 380-389