Linguistic Means of Description of Family Relations in the Novel “In Chancery” By J. Galsworthy

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University

2 Moscow Region State University


The article is devoted to the study of the evaluative component of the meaning of lexical means used to describe relations between family members in the novel “In Chancery” by J. Galsworthy. The relevance of t &he study can be attributed to the lack of works devoted to this problem. As the results of our study demonstrate, the words of the lexical-semantic group “family” were mainly used to verbalize relations between members of the Forsytes family. The paper analyzes the attitude towards marriage, spouses, parents and children in the studied text. Scientific novelty of the work is the study of the ways to implement the occasional evaluative component of meaning of the aforementioned words in the text of a work of fiction. The relevance of this paper is explained by the lack of studied, which examine the lexical means of describing relations in the family, embodying a typical rich English family of the second half of the 19th century.
