The Role of Synergetic Approach in the Methodology of Psycho-Pedagogical Support of Persons with Disabilities

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Institute of International Relations, Kazan, Russia

2 SAHI "Republican clinical hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan", Kazan, Russia

3 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


The role of synergetic approach to psychological and pedagogical optimization of the quality of life of individuals with disabilities is studied by the athors of the article. Synergetic approach acts as the integrator of the two scientific perspectives - sociocentric and anthropocentric concepts. The system of psychological-pedagogical and socio-psychological rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in conditions of hospital treatment is perceived as a self-organizing and self-evolving social phenomenon. The capacity of diverse systems for self-development not only under the influence of external causes, but also due to the use of their internal capabilities, proves conceptual and methodological novelty of the ideas of self-organization. As a result, it increases rehabilitation potential and improves the quality of life of individuals with disabilities The use of synergetic approach justifies the need for integration of elements of various concepts into psychological and pedagogical optimization of the quality of life of disabled people, affirming polyparadigmatic character of modern scientific thought.
