The History of the Development of Literary Tatar Language in the 20th Century (Based on the Example of the Language of Literary Works)

Document Type : Research Article


Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


The 20th century was marked by the dramatic changes in all the spheres of mankind activity including culture. One of the manifestations of culture is the literary language, which is a historical category: the degree of its processing and normalization may not be the same in different periods of its development. The twentieth century is characterized by the rapid development of national literary languages, including Tatar. The development of the Tatar national literary language in the twentieth century must be regarded as a holistic historical-literary and historical-linguistic cycle that has certain periods. The end of the twentieth century allows us to try to see this cycle in a comprehensive manner and to determine the processes that guided its development. This article considers one of the fundamental problems of studying the functioning and development of the artistic style of the Tatar literary language in the twentieth century ˗ the question of its periodization. We have revealed that compared with the previous centuries the Tatar literary language of the twentieth century, underwent significant changes that affected all levels of the language state. Given the extra- and endolinguistic factors the authors propose four periods of its development in the order of the working hypothesis. The study showed that in the twentieth century it is possible to single out the periods where the lexical-stylistic changes appearing most clearly in the language of works of art. Each period is marked by socio-economic and political conditions that have influenced the development of the language design of the artistic style of the Tatar language. At the same time, the development of the Tatar literary language in the twentieth century to some extent confirms the hypothesis that the pre-crisis state of society promotes the flowering of culture.
