Linguistic Means Expressing Nature's Charm in Literary Works

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University

2 Avicenna Tajik State Medical University


The article identifies and analyzes stereotyped images and standards of beauty. The concept of beauty is one of the most important values of society. Plenty of linguistic researches are dedicated to the study of various aspects of beauty. This is quite natural, since it is one of the most important, meaningful concepts of aesthetics. The study presents the description of linguistic means of expressing beauty of environment in English Literature of XVIII-XIX centuries as beauty is one of the most important concepts of our life. The colors of nature in the English literature have a wide color range. English writers idealize beauty; they do not tolerate any errors.  Images of nature in the present paper have been subdivided into four groups: the sky, the Earth, water and seasons. Special attention of English writers is paid to the eternity, immensity and mystery of the sky. They express their inexplicable love of flowers. Water element is compared to a human being. And every season is beautiful in its own way.
