Peculiarities in the Formation of the Tatar Special-Purpose Prints

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

2 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.


Today, one takes an excessive interest in the problem of specialized publications. Many scholars deal with the problem of studying their typology. Therefore, greater development of specialized publications is supposed to be a probability. That is why it is important to study the typology of special-purpose publications. It is necessary to rely on previous experiments to have this study even more effective. This article dwells on the specialized Tatar-language press in its historical context. The specialized press of the early twentieth century carries much weight in the system of the Tatar periodical press according to quantity and problematic thematic diversity. The religious press was the largest group of specialized publications. It was also distinguished by a longer duration, it had been issued for 11-12 years, until 1918. As concerns secular publications, satirical publications were very popular. Economic publications for Muslims to be issued in the Tatar language were first to appear in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Specialized ones involve newspapers and magazines for children, women, as well as educational and legal publications. The specialized prints were mainly in the journal format (only 12 newspapers versus 31 magazines out of the specialized prints we have examined). This conforms to the current developments of specialized media.


Volume 10, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2019) July 19-20, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia
This special issue of the journal includes papers published in the spirit of academic support of the conference and so they did not go through the review process defined by the journal.
July 2019
Pages 1057-1065