Genre-Stylistic Transformations of the Authentic Text During the Translation of A. Eniki’s Works into Russian

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

2 А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences


A Russian reader who does not know the Tatar language can get acquainted with the works by A. Eniki only via their translations into Russian, therefore, the analysis of the structurally-meaningful features of translated texts in the aspect of interliterary communication and dialogue is necessary. The genre-stylistic transformations of the original are revealed in the translated text on the basis of their comparative analysis. It is based on his view of translation as a form of dialogue of cultures, reflecting the interaction of not only various national languages, but also the artistic models of the world. The subject of the analysis was the translations of the hikay “Night Drops” and the novel “An Unspoken Testament” made by M. Rafikov, H. Khusainova and S. Khozina. They revealed the genic transformations in the translation of Eniki's hikay into Russian: the translator introduces a novel intention into an epic complete picture of the world. Stylistic transformations are significant in the translation of the novel “An Unspoken Testament” by Kh. Khusainova. Despite the rather accurate and adequate translation, Kh. Khusainova does not manage to recreate the intimate-confidential atmosphere created by the rhythmic-intonational organization of the original. They determined that S. Khozina is guided by the traditions of the Nazir genre during the translation of the story “Unspoken Testament”. They determined the main trends in which her co-creation with the author of the work is carried out. The obtained results can be used to solve urgent problems of intercultural communication and dialogue, to make comments about the translations of A. Eniki's works for the Russian-speaking reader.


Volume 10, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2019) July 19-20, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia
This special issue of the journal includes papers published in the spirit of academic support of the conference and so they did not go through the review process defined by the journal.
July 2019
Pages 1083-1090