A Critical Look at of Russian Language and Culture in the XVI-XVII Centuries: A Comparative Linguistics Focusing on Russian and Korean Corpora

Document Type : Research Article


Kazan Federal University


The comparative method aims to prove that two or more historically attested languages descend from a single proto-language by comparing lists of cognate terms from which regular sound correspondences between the languages are established. A sequence of regular sound changes can then be postulated, which allows the reconstruction of a proto-language. Relation is deemed certain only if at least a partial reconstruction of the common ancestor is feasible, and regular sound correspondences can be established, with chance similarities ruled out. This study aimed to critically look at language and culture in in the XVI-XVII Centuries. It actually tired to do a comparative linguistics with a focus on Russian and Korean Corpora. Both domestic and foreign historiography often describes the same historical events in different ways. The reasons for such disagreements and different descriptions of the same historical events are insufficient information, the influence of some states on others, and deliberate distortion in order to create a negative image of participants in historical events. This study used the following methods: analysis of the research literature on the topic under study; the method of specific situations (case method) in the analysis of examples; instrumental observation. Also, the study used such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis in determining the goals, resources, and tools of the concept under consideration, as well as a structural approach.
