Kazan Philistines Students’ Language Learning Style and Language Learning Strategies: A Gender-Based Study

Document Type : Research Article


Kazan Federal University


This paper seeks to investigate the gender differences in language learning style and language learning strategies. The study used the perceptual learning-style preference questionnaire (PLSPQ) to investigate the learning style preferences and the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) version 7.0 designed by Oxford (1990) to find the learning strategy preferences in Kazan Philistines. Given the lack of documents of personal origin, the main sources were family-wide lists of Kazan bourgeoisie, statements, metric books, forensic materials, complaints and petitions deposited in the funds of the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan. Based on these sources, issues such as the age limits of childhood, attitudes towards children in philistine families, practices and emotions regarding children in various life situations were investigated. As a result, it was concluded that the attitude towards childhood and children in the middle class is characteristic of a traditional pre-industrial society, childhood has not yet formed into a separately recognized and designated life stage. This was manifested in the practice of getting rid of illegitimate children, the desire to include the child as early as possible in resolving issues of maintaining himself and his family, including removal from the family by way of returning to school or working with strangers. However, the predominance of a rational attitude towards childhood did not exclude a positive emotional color in relation to children.
