Investigation the Attitude and Motivation of Russian and Korea Researchers Towards Learning English Language

Document Type : Research Article


Kazan Federal University


The research is intended to investigate the attitudes and motivation of Russian andKorea Researchers Towards Learning English Language. In Russia, the study of Korea began in the XVII century from the works by N. Spafariia and L. Lang. A new stage in the study of the Korean state is associated with the name of the Russian navigator, Admiral I. Kruzenshtern. Russian spiritual missions to China played a significant role in the opening of the Korean state. The works and reports of the Russian embassy and Orthodox missions to China in the XVII-XVIII centuries also contained information about Korea.  In particular, the works by N. Bichurin laid a foundation to a scientific study of the history and culture of Korea in Russia. N.Ia. Bichurin is considered the founder of scientific Korean studies in Russia. By the end of the 1890s, a special interest in the Korean state is awakening in the Russian Empire in connection with the increasing role of Korea in Russia's foreign policy. This explains the appearance of a large number of works devoted to the history, culture, traditions of the "Country of Morning Freshness". Among the numerous works presented there were quite a lot of works written by non-specialists, so the presented information was not always accurate.
