The Sociolinguistics and Cultural Values of Global Competitiveness of the Russian Federation: Problems and Perspectives

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Institute of management, economics and finance

2 Kazan Federal University, Russia


Language and society are intertwined because a society moves with language. A language defines the linguistic behaviour of a group of people in a given society. We will find out what sociolinguistics means by examining various definitions and unearth their points of convergence. The paper considers sociolinguistics and cultural values of global competitiveness of the Russian federation. The article highlights the common sociolinguistics and cultural features of the countries-leaders of global competitiveness. In particular, they have an almost identical sectoral structure and high investments in R&D. In addition, the most developed industries are those related to the welfare of the population, infrastructure and technological development. This allows us to talk about the strategic importance of these industries and their impact on the global competitiveness of the state. The presented analysis of the state of the Russian economy showed that in general Russia has a high growth potential. At the same time, for further sustainable development of the country, it is necessary to solve many problems that impede the growth of competitiveness of the Russian Federation. The range of identified problems includes poor infrastructure development and too little investment in R&D, insufficient development of innovations and poor development of the financial market. The work noted the need for timely adoption of measures to improve the economic situation across a wide range of problems.
