A Survey of Intercultural Communication in the Development of Regional Tourism

Document Type : Research Article


Kazan Federal University


Communication is involved in all social life acts, being the constituent factor of creation and of cultural processes. Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue are intensely discussed topics in today's society which is marked by globalization. Cultural differences are the core subject for studies addressing intercultural communication. Good knowledge of other cultures is a necessary step to get to recognize the nature of these differences and to relate to others through attitudes of understanding and tolerance which are premises for genuine intercultural dialogue, especially in the tourism industry. While communication is an act of human relationships, culture is the motive of this act. In tourism, quality of communication is related to the level of the culture involved and to the degree of improvement of the means of which is done. Intercultural communication experiences help tourists to know and to appreciate other cultures, but also help them to a better understanding of their own culture. Tourism professionals’ linguistic and intercultural skills have been identified as pivotal assets towards upgrading the quality of the service they provide and contributing to successful communication and intercultural dialogue. Accordingly, the paper considers the features of the intercultural communication in relation to the tourism sector. The advantages of the intercultural communication are determined. An attempt was made to use the methodological apparatus in the study of the regional tourism sector in the formation of the "portrait" of a modern tourist. The results of an in-depth interview and questionnaire conducted among the guests of the Kazan city are presented. The paper analyses the experience of using intercultural communication, and considers the possibilities of their use in the strategic planning of regional tourism. Accounting for intercultural research will allow more rational management of regional tourism to carry out.
