Comparative Analysis of Structural-Semantic Characteristics of The Russian And German Prohibitive Paremias

Document Type : Research Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

2 Kazan State Medical University


This article is devoted to the representation of the prohibitive semantic in the Russian and German paremias. The study is based on comparative analysis of structural-semantic features of the paremiological phrases containing prohibitive constructions. The groundwork of this research is presented by a collection of 1743 paremiological units (1500 Russian and 1243 German paremias), which have been selected by a method of continuous and special selection from authoritative Russian and German paremiological works, by such authors as V. P. Anikin, H. and A. Beyer, S. Wagener, K. Wander, V. I. Dal, V. P. Zhukov, K. Simrock, I.I. Illustrov, V. M. Mokienko, I. M. Snegirjov. Building on the empirical base of this research, we identified 10 Russian and 10 German syntactic structures which are explicitly expressing prohibitive semantic in proverbs, sayings and folk omens. The author of the article defines a concept of a prohibitive construction in a broad sense. During the structural-semantic analysis of the presented structures, common syntactic and semantic characteristics are identified, also along with them structural-semantic differences of the analyzed paremias are opened up.
