The Lexical Inventory Typology in Specialised Discourse

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Practice and Theory of Translation, Higher School of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, Institute of International Relations

2 Department of Practice and Theory of Translation, Higher School of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

3 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University


The present paper considers situation-bound characteristics of the literary medical discourse lexical inventory in the English language. The study is based on the lexical analysis of the medical words and word combinations presented in the American television series “House M.D.” (production of Heel and Toe Films, Shore Z Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, NBC Universal Television Studio, Universal Media Studios, Universal Television), “Chicago Med” (production of Wolf Films Universal Television), and the novel “The Final Diagnosis” written by the American author A. Hailey. The rationale for the problem of the research lies in insufficient information on oral communication in specialized communicative spheres of various levels, in particular in oral medical discourse, especially within the classification of specialized discourse speech genres against the background of lexical inventory typologisation. Therefore, the work examines situation-bound characteristics of the English medical vocabulary. Our hypothesis is stated as follows: communicative conditions determine the lexical features of words and expressions used within the specialized discourse.
