The Pattern of Muslim Clergy Repressions in Tatar Literature

Document Type : Research Article


1 Institute of Philology and intercultural communication, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

2 Kazan Federal University

3 Department of Tatar literature, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication

4 Department of Azerbaijani language and literature, Department of modern Turkic languages and literatures


The paper systematizes statistical material on the scales of the defeat of religion in 1930 by the example of the Muslim clergy, reveals a range of works of Tatar literature which conceptualize this tragedy. The analysis is based on the principles of a system-integrated analysis of the structure of literary work that combines the elements of historical and comparative research methods. The work by imam khatib Sirazetdin Zakirov, being exiled and died in the Siberian camp in 1930, is introduced. The features of the genre form, complaint, come to light. In the paper, it is proved that N. Isanbet, developing the theme of Muslim clergy in the autobiographical story Childhood, is committed to enlightenment. His goal is to create the image of the advanced mullah of his time. Gilyazov, tracing his Muslim ancestry in the autobiographical novel of memoirs Let Us Pray! Exploits the model of “colonial trauma”. Yunis in the novel If a Child is Orphaned Early in Life reconstructs a scheme of life of the Muslim clergy on the example of a rural mullah’s family.
