Lexical-Semantic Analysis of English Phraseological Units with Phytonym Component

Document Type : Research Article


1 Belgorod State National Research University

2 Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboedov

3 Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University


This article devoted to the lexical-semantic analysis of English phraseological units with phytonym component. The subject of this paper is a lexical and semantic analysis and characteristics of such phraseological units. Special attention is given to lexical and semantic features of phytonyms functioning. The use of the term “phytonym” is defined. The problem of studying the semantics of phraseological units is one of the most important in theoretical linguistics, so the study of the meaning of language units, its structure occupies one of the main places in modern linguistic research. The language meaning is explained by its dissimilarity, because of the formation of different sides of the language and is determined by the lexical and semantic systems of the language, as a result of reflecting the socially objective reality.
