Quantification in grammar: Ideas of I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay in the context of modern linguistic research

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of the Russian Language and Methods of Its Teaching

2 Jilin University of Finance and Economics of China


The article is devoted to the problem of field structuring of grammatical objects. The study focuses on the field organization of parts of speech in Russian. From the point of view of goal-setting, the study is focused on solving two main tasks: 1) to prove the connection between modern ideas about the internal organization of parts of speech with the interpretation of I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay of the category of quantitativeness in language, 2) to present his understanding of the field organization of substantives. The following research methods were used as the main ones: descriptive-analytical, morphological analysis of grammatical forms, the method of field structuring. The material for the study was the subject lexemes available in the Russian language, as well as extracts from the "National Corpus of the Russian Language". It is shown that the study of grammar objects from the standpoint of field structuring is poorly developed, as evidenced by unresolved or ambiguously interpreted questions.
