Research Approach Preferences of Iranian Faculty Members and Ph.D. Candidates of TEFL: What Does the MSRT Curriculum of TEFL Ph.D. Program Suggest?

Document Type : Research Article


Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


This study explores the research approach preferences of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) faculty members and Ph.D. candidates, and the role of TEFL Research Methodology course instructors and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) curriculum of Ph.D. level in Iran in this respect. Based on purposive sampling and availability, 10 faculty members and 25 Ph.D. candidates were selected and sat a semi-structured interview. Based on the results of the interview, a researcher-made questionnaire was developed and validated. Next, 53 faculty members and 98 Ph.D. candidates were selected based on purposive sampling and their availability to respond. Findings revealed that mixed-methods research (MMR) was the most preferred research approach of both groups of participants. Despite the overall preference for MMR studies, the results showed that the MSRT curriculum and the instructors of the Research Methodology course did not focus on MMR adequately. Furthermore, the participants believed that Research Methodology course at the Ph.D. level did not equip the addresses well enough to be able to conduct accurate and appropriate MMR studies. Findings could imply that MSRT curriculum developers and Research Methodology course instructors need to pay more attention to the research approach preference (i.e., MMR) of the end-users (i.e., PhD candidates).


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