Language Teacher Development in Computer-Mediated Collaborative Work and Digital Peer Assessment: An Innovative Proposal

Document Type : Research Article


Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain


This research paper explores the integration of digital technologies in language teacher development, focusing on computer-mediated collaborative learning (CMCL) and peer assessment in digital environments. The research was carried out at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) in Spain, in a TEFL course, with 518 student-teachers. The research methodology included both quantitative and qualitative techniques, and the results indicated positive satisfaction levels, especially in these dimensions: clear goals and objectives, appropriate assessment, and appropriate workload, with both learning in digital environments and the quality of teaching particularly highlighted. Additionally, statistically significant differences in the final grades were observed between the MS Teams users and the ones not following CMCL. Finally, the influence of digital learning was demonstrated across a large portion of the other variables according to the students’ perception of it.


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