Online Language Teacher Training Using Audiovisual Translation

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Foreign Philologies and Linguistics, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain


In the last few decades, the focus of research in the field of language education has concentrated on learners, with studies carried out on how to lower their affective filter in order to develop their language skills (Reinders & Wattana, 2014), motivation (Meşe & Sevilen, 2021), flipped classrooms (Chen Hsieh, Wu, & Marek, 2017) and even their impressions on the layout of courses. However, whereas all these issues are of the utmost importance, the major contribution that teachers have in that learning process, and the necessary development of their skills in order to implement those new ideas in the classroom, have been left to one side. This study aims to present the findings of an online teacher training course based on didactic audiovisual translation (DAT) that has been carried out by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in Spain. The initial and final questionnaires administered to the preservice teachers who participated in the course revealed their positive attitudes towards DAT as a rich resource for developing integrated linguistic and ICT skills.


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