Developing Cross-Cultural Foreign Language Communication via Mobile Technologies: Podcasting

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of European Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

2 Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


The significant impact of digital and informational technologies on the development of modern society is unquestionably exemplified by the process of intensive informatization of education in general and language education in particular. Information technologies, specifically mobile technologies, contribute to the development of students' educational activities and increase their awareness of foreign language learning and cross-cultural foreign language communication. Modern realities necessitate a different approach to preparing students for life, one that focuses less on imparting information than on teaching them and its method of application. Furthermore, the Internet's evolution into a platform for active users creates new opportunities for foreign language study. Podcasting, a fundamental component of mobile technologies, is one of the most effective and productive methods for teaching and developing cross-cultural foreign language communication. The authors criticized the concept of m-learning in foreign language education, defined the typology of podcasts, presented their classification, disclosed the characteristics of using podcasts in developing cross-cultural language communication, and presented the algorithm work with a video podcast in the classroom. The results and conclusions of this study can be utilized by teachers and lecturers in English classes, practical classes, and lecture courses such as "English Language Teaching" and "Methods of Teaching English."


Volume 14, Issue 3
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL 2023), October 30, 2023, Kazan, Russia
October 2023
Pages 16-20