Interference in Teaching English to Bilinguals

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


This article addresses the issue of language interference in the English instruction of bilinguals whose native languages are Russian and Tatar. The causes of this phenomenon are examined from a variety of perspectives. The article highlights the positive and negative aspects of the interference, as well as the effects of these factors on bilinguals’ English language acquisition. This article offers a qualitative analysis. In the practical portion of the study, the phonetic errors of Kazan school students who study English due to their native Russian and Tatar languages are analyzed. Bilingual students who initially study a foreign language were chosen for this purpose. After proposing the tasks, phonetic errors were corrected and analyzed from the perspective of the influence of the native language at the time they were made. The article examines various types of phonetic interference using empirical examples from English classes.


Volume 14, Issue 3
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL 2023), October 30, 2023, Kazan, Russia
October 2023
Pages 31-35