Approaches to Developing Foreign Students' English Language and Cultural Competence

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

2 Department of the Russian Language as a Foreign Language, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


This article discusses the need for effective methods to develop the linguo-culturological competence of international students studying the English language. Literature offers an excellent resource for methodologists and teachers to observe the unique linguistic features and cultural aspects of the writer's world. It also provides a glimpse into the language of the writer as a native speaker, expressed in its highest form. Additionally, it sheds light on the linguistic norms and traditions of the era in which it was written. The article discusses a scheme model and its application in developing linguistic and cultural competence while writing students' research qualification work. The effectiveness of the model was demonstrated through the stages of working on a literary text during scientific guidance, which was evident in numerous student scientific studies. By following the proposed model, the supervisor can guide the student toward achieving a complete and adequate understanding of the literary work systematically.


Volume 14, Issue 3
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL 2023), October 30, 2023, Kazan, Russia
October 2023
Pages 51-55